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Promising new class of antimalarial drugs discovered

Scientists Discover New Class of Quantum States in Graphene

Astronomers observe real-time formation of black hole jets for the first time | While the largest plasma jets extend well beyond their host galaxies and last millions of years, scientists are gaining understanding of a new class of smaller, shorter-lived jets called “compact symmetric objects.”

Can a new class of wearable tech actively boost your mental health?

Discovery of new class of particles could take quantum mechanics one step further

Accidental discovery reveals 'millinovas,' a new class of cosmic explosion 100 times brighter than the sun

New Class of Magnetism Imaged for First Time: Altermagnetism

A new class of antivirals could help prevent future pandemics

Stanford Scientists Discover New Class of Neurological Diseases

NASA Announces a New Class of Space Missions: Probe Explorers

NASA Establishes New Class of Astrophysics Missions, Selects Studies

Suzetrigine Is Part of a New Class of Pain Medications That Could Offer Relief for Chronic Pain

New class of opioids that may be more potent than fentanyl emerges globally

Mathematicians discover new class of shape seen throughout nature

Researchers advance new class of quantum critical metal that could advance electronic devices

Researchers advance new class of quantum critical metal that could advance electronic devices - EurekAlert

NASA-Funded Research Institute Selects New Class of Space Health Fellows

Scientists Discover New Class of Semiconductor Nanocrystals

NRL scientists identify new class of semiconductor nanocrystals - EurekAlert

The truth about the new class of Alzheimer’s drugs