New Analysis

Analysis (PL: analyses) is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it.

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New Analysis of Biblical Home of Goliath Sheds Unprecedented Light on Philistine Ritual Practices

New analysis reveals a tiny black hole repeatedly punching through a larger black hole's disk of gas

Many excess deaths attributed to natural causes are actually uncounted COVID-19 deaths, new analysis reveals

Black holes not only existed at the dawn of time, they birthed new stars and supercharged galaxy formation, a new analysis of James Webb Space Telescope data suggests

Replacing Animal Products With a Plant-Based Diet Leads to Weight Loss, Finds New Analysis

New Analysis Sheds Light on Mystery of Turtle Remains Found in Ancient Roman Iron Age Grave

New analysis of data from the Curiosity rover reveals that much of the craters on Mars today could have once been habitable rivers

New parent? Night shift? New analysis suggests ideal nap strategy to survive all-nighters

Lions on the brink -- New analysis reveals the differing threats to African lion populations

Every morning and afternoon, like clockwork, the surface of the Moon trembles with tiny "moonquakes." Now, new analysis of seismic activity on the Moon has characterized these events and discovered that some of them are not what they seem.

Rich Nations Owe $192 Trillion for Causing Climate Change, New Analysis Finds

Heat Will Likely Soar to Record Levels in Next 5 Years, WMO Says