
Neuroimaging is the use of quantitative techniques to study the structure and function of the central nervous system, developed as an objective way of scientifically studying the healthy human brain in a non-invasive manner. Increasingly it is also being used for quantitative studies of brain disease and psychiatric illness. Neuroimaging is a highly multidisciplinary research field and is not a medical specialty. Neuroimaging differs from neuroradiology which is a medical specialty and uses brain imaging in a clinical setting. Neuroradiology is practiced by radiologists who are medical practitioners. Neuroradiology primarily focuses on identifying brain lesions, such as vascular disease, strokes, tumors and inflammatory disease. In contrast to neuroimaging, neuroradiology is qualitative but sometimes uses basic quantitative methods. Functional brain imaging techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, are common in neuroimaging but rarely used in neuroradiology.

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New microscope enables deep and wide neuroimaging - EurekAlert

How neuroimaging can be better utilized to yield diagnostic information about individuals

Neuroimaging Study Finds the Brain Works Like a Resonance Chamber

Racism takes a toll on the brain, research shows. Neuroimaging studies reveal how the chronic stress of structural racism and discrimination damages brain circuits and mental health

Can Neuroimaging Reveal the Roots of Psychiatric Disorders Like PTSD?

Can neuroimaging reveal the roots of psychiatric disorders? Not just yet

Neuroimaging study reveals functional and structural brain abnormalities in people with post-treatment Lyme disease

Petting dogs engages the social brain, according to neuroimaging

Functional and structural brain abnormalities in posttraumatic stress disorder: A multimodal meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies finds that patients with PTSD showed similar pattern of aberrant resting-state functional brain activity and structure mainly in the amygdala.

Social Isolation Actually Changes The Structure of Our Brains, Neuroimaging Reveals

Neuroimaging Is Leading to Much Better Understanding of Brain Function During Speech and How Stuttering Arises