
The Trail of the Eagles' Nests (Polish: Szlak Orlich Gniazd) of south-western Poland, is a marked trail along a chain of 25 medieval castles between Częstochowa and Kraków.

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Birds' nests in Amsterdam are made up of plastic from 30 years ago

Double-Sided Genius: Why Bees Organize Their Nests Symmetrically

Tiny fish carve out massive breeding colonies containing millions of nests

Ants changed the architecture of their nests when exposed to a pathogen

Ants change the way they build nests to stop diseases spreading

A selection of elaborate birds' nests from around the world

Most bees live underground. X-ray images reveal how they build their nests

Robotic dog spots invasive fire ant nests better than humans

Troodon Nests Were Shared by Multiple Females, Paleontologists Find

Belonging to Some of the Largest Dinosaurs Ever: Researchers Uncover 92 Fossil Nests

Researchers uncover 92 fossil nests belonging to some of India's largest dinosaurs

New study finds birds build hanging-nests to protect offspring from nest invaders

Tropical birds build nests from fungi that may keep parasites at bay

Experiments hint at why bird nests are so sturdy

Birds That Build Nests With Domes May Be Doomed

“Total Surprise” As Massive Icefish Breeding Colony With 60 Million Active Nests Found in Antarctica

“Spectacular Discovery” in Antarctica: Massive Icefish Breeding Colony With 60 Million Nests

60 Million Fish Nests in Antarctica Found in Single Largest Breeding Colony to Date

‘Nothing but fish nests’: huge icefish colony found in Antarctic sea | Antarctica

How Army Ants Build City-Like Nests Using Their Own Bodies