Hybrid job training improves participation for women in Nepal, study finds - EurekAlert

Revolutionary Satellite Tech Unveils Secrets of Nepal’s Devastating Floods

What triggered Nepal’s catastrophic 2021 flood – and could it happen again - EurekAlert

The presence of the manul, a cold-adapted wild cat the size of a domestic cat, has been confirmed on the slopes of the world’s highest mountain. The confirmation by DNA testing of scat samples marks the first time the elusive cat has been formally recorded in Nepal’s eastern Himalayan region.

‘Bizarre’ newly classified scorpionfly shines light on Nepal’s insect diversity

Rhino conservation in Nepal creates a burden for communities, infrastructure and other species, study warns

Nepal President On Climate Change: ‘The Offenses That We Have Not Committed Are Punishing Us’

‘Nuisance’ TikTok Creators Barred From Sacred Sites In Nepal

Desire for son in Nepal may impact on girls' health and wellbeing -- new study

Nepal’s Rhino Win Links Conservation and Social Justice

Earthquakes and extreme rainfall lead to a significant increase in the rates of landslides in Nepal

Study explores link between earthquakes, rainfall and food insecurity in Nepal

Nepal’s Assam Macaque Is Its Own Beast: Scientists discover that the Nepal Population of Assam Macaques are in fact a new species

Nepal Covid Crisis Worsens as Workers Pay the Price

Satellite View: Fierce Fire Season Rages in Nepal

From Nepal To Minnesota, This Scientist Is Helping Domesticate A New Crop

1 In 50 Females ‘missing’ From Nepal’s Birth Records, Finds Latest Analysis

Study reveals significant concerns over growing scale of sex selective abortions in Nepal

Echocardiographic screening for rheumatic heart disease in Nepal