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Tigers in the neighborhood: How India makes room for both tigers and people - EurekAlert

Home and neighborhood environments impact sedentary behavior in teens globally

Home and neighborhood environments impact sedentary behavior in teens globally - EurekAlert

Researchers develop tools to examine neighborhood economic effects on spinal cord injury outcomes

Researchers develop tools to examine neighborhood economic effects on spinal cord injury outcomes - EurekAlert

Gentrification can leave residents feeling powerless and alienated in their own neighborhood, research shows - EurekAlert

30 Years On, NASA’s Wind Is a Windfall for Studying our Neighborhood in Space

30 Years On, NASA’s Wind Is a Windfall for Studying our Neighborhood in Space

Astronomers Find Fewer Potentially Hazardous Asteroids in Earth’s Neighborhood than Previously Estimated

Hot streets, historic bias: effects on neighborhood walking in older adults - EurekAlert

Neighborhood opportunities influence infant development and cognition

If you feel unsafe in your neighborhood, a new study shows you are more likely to smoke - EurekAlert

Are dollar stores crime magnets? New study says yes, at least in Chicago: "a significant increase in violent crimes ... following the opening of dollar stores," which crime rates drop back to previous levels when a dollar store leaves the neighborhood.

New study shows effect of socio-economic factors—housing, food, neighborhood—to predict diabetic patients' risk of ... - EurekAlert

If You Had a Nuclear Weapon in Your Neighborhood, Would You Want to Know about It?

Astronomers Release a Cosmic Atlas of 380,000 Galaxies in our Neighborhood

Astronomers Release a Cosmic Atlas of 380,000 Galaxies in our Neighborhood

59 New Planets Discovered in Our Neighborhood