Various unique terminology is used in bartending.

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Hours before NASA's Artemis 2 moon crew reveal, I saw a neat slice of space history

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a pretty neat planetary viewing!

The Milky Way's Halo of Stars Isn't The Neat Sphere Astronomers Expected It to Be

What is non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)?

Exoplanet Catalog - This continuously updated exoplanetary encyclopedia combines interactive visualizations with detailed data on all known exoplanets (neat hypothetical visualizations)

The Science of Gift Wrapping Explains Why Sloppy Is Better Than Neat

The Perseverance Rover Cut a Neat Circle Into a Martian Rock | The rover's main science mission is chugging along, which means careful inspection of rocks in Jezero Crater.

Saturn Has a Weirdly Neat, Symmetrical Magnetic Field. We May Finally Know Why

A NEAT reduction of complex neuronal models accelerates brain research

A NEAT reduction of complex neuronal models accelerates brain research