The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and space research.

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LIVE: NASA is with you from Oshkosh

NASA astronauts hold their own Summer Olympics in space (video)

NASA Moves Toward Boeing Starliner Return to Restore Space Station Traffic

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Discovers a Rock That May Contain Alien Microfossils

NASA’s Massive Rocket Rolls Out: Artemis II SLS Core Stage Arrives for Assembly

Three NASA Interns Expand Classroom Access to NASA Data

NASA supports burst test for orbital reef commercial space station

NASA Returns to Arctic Studying Summer Sea Ice Melt

NASA streams 4K video from aircraft to space (and back) at blistering speeds using laser tech | 900 Mbps is faster than what the average US household enjoys

How NASA Turned Venus Into a Hip-Hop Planet

Nasa rover discovery hints at ancient microbial life on Mars | A 3ft by 2ft rock marked with off-white spots may offer fossilized record of microbes dating back billions of years

NASA says it found possible signs of life on Mars. There are a lot of maybes

Mesmerizing NASA Video Reveals Carbon Dioxide Churning in The Sky

NASA’s Perseverance rover finds its first possible hint of ancient life on Mars

NASA Should Ditch the Spin: Americans deserve more transparency about Boeing’s space-debut debacle.

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover finds possible signs of ancient Red Planet life

NASA’s Orion Spacecraft Gets Lift on Earth

NASA Selects Marshall Logistics Support Services II Contractor

NASA’s Fermi finds new feature in brightest gamma-ray burst yet seen - EurekAlert

Boeing's crewed Starliner flight won't return until at least August, NASA says