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Florida Seeks Drug Prescription Data With Names of Patients and Doctors

Clark University launches School Of Climate, Environment, and Society and names inaugural dean - EurekAlert

Strange "quasi-moon" of Earth will get one of these 7 names

Pronouns Are Closely Linked to Names in Our Brains, Study Finds

Breaking Cognitive Boundaries: Groundbreaking Study Finds Monkeys Use “Names” To Communicate

JAMA Network names new editor in chief of JAMA Health Forum - EurekAlert

Dogs can remember names of toys years after not seeing them, study shows

News at a glance: Squid fishing shutdown, maternal death research, and tracking changes in authors’ names

Marmoset Monkeys Use Names to Communicate with Each Other

Uncovering the secret communication of monkeys: They have names! - EurekAlert

Study Finds Elephants Communicate Using Names, Just Like Humans

Can Given Names Shape Individuals’ Facial Appearance?

Names may shape facial appearance over time new study suggests - EurekAlert

New Reichman University study reveals: People’s faces evolve to match their names - EurekAlert

New Reichman University study reveals: People’s faces evolve to match their names - EurekAlert

Wild Elephants Invent Names For One Another in Surprise Sign of Abstract Thinking

Elephants have names — and they use them with each other

Elephants have names for each other like people do, new study shows

Elephants have names for each other like people do, new study shows - EurekAlert

Elephants seem to invent names for each other