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Singing researchers find cross-cultural patterns in music and language - EurekAlert

Why Do People Make Music?

The man transforming data from two dramatic storms into music

Science and music festival Starmus VII is about to rock Bratislava with a stellar lineup

This Week In Space podcast: Episode 109 — Music of the Spheres

Your genes may influence how much you enjoy listening to music

Rescuing music with X-rays - EurekAlert

Body mapping links our responses to music with their degree of uncertainty and surprise

Sound Tracks: A fascinating archaeological history of music

Timbre can affect what harmony is music to our ears

Could an AI replace all music ever recorded with Taylor Swift covers?

Decoding the Geometry of Music: 70-Year-Old Math Problem Solved

When the music changes, so does the dance: Controlling cooperative electronic states in Kagome metals

Secret Mathematical Patterns Revealed in Bach's Music

Music may bring health benefits for older adults, poll suggests

There's a Surprising Link Between Music And Brain Health

Music causes similar emotions and bodily sensations across cultures

The Science Behind Music and Athletic Performance

Scientists Translated Spiderwebs Into Music, And It's Absoutely Stunning

Chinese archaeologists find link between pentagram and music in ancient texts