Striking artworks reveal the beauty of mushrooms and other soil life
This Is Your Robot Brain on Mushrooms
Biohybrid robots controlled by electrical impulses in mushrooms.
Researchers have created biohybrid robots using an unexpected component, not from the laboratory, but from the forest floor: fungal mycelium.
Growing Habitats and Furniture in Space Out of Mushrooms
Growing Habitats and Furniture in Space Out of Mushrooms
These mushrooms have “massively expanded” genomes to make them more adaptable to multiple lifestyles - EurekAlert
These mushrooms have “massively expanded” genomes to make them more adaptable to multiple lifestyles - EurekAlert
Genetic Giants: Unveiling the Massive Genomes of Arctic’s Glow-in-the-Dark Mushrooms
An enzyme makes mushrooms “magical” - EurekAlert
Mushrooms could be the next big thing in energy storage
Unveiling Inaoside A: An antioxidant derived from mushrooms
Mushrooms may talk to one another
Fiber from crustaceans, insects, mushrooms promotes digestion
Australia on Saturday became one of the first countries in the world to allow the use of MDMA and magic mushrooms for medical treatment, in a bid to tackle certain mental health conditions.
Mushrooms Seem to Be Able to Regulate Their Own Temperature
In Search of an Antidote for Poisonous Mushrooms
Scientists may have found an antidote for death cap mushrooms
Mushrooms Appear to Have Electrical 'Conversations' After It Rains
Mushrooms can "talk" to each other — and they get extra chatty after a rain, study suggests
Mushrooms found to keep themselves cooler than their surroundings