
The Master of Public Health or Master of Philosophy in Public Health (MPH), Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH), Master of Medical Science in Public Health (MMSPH) and the Doctor of Public Health (DrPH), International Masters for Health Leadership (IMHL) are interdisciplinary professional degrees awarded for studies in areas related to public health.

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NASA Spots a Star and Planet Racing at 1.2 Million MPH – A Record-Breaking Discovery

Fastest exoplanet ever is dragged through space at 1.2 million mph by hypervelocity star

Girish N. Nadkarni, MD, MPH, CPH, named to l - EurekAlert

NASA tracking bus-size asteroid set to zoom by the Earth on Tuesday at 30,000 mph

Jared M. Kutzin, DNP, MS, MPH, RN, named President of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare - EurekAlert

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe Survives Fiery Sun Flyby at 430,000 MPH

25 MPH May Be Too Fast For City Centers: Study

2 MILLION mph galaxy smash-up seen in unprecedented detail

2 MILLION mph galaxy smash-up seen in unprecedented detail

2 million mph galaxy smash-up seen in unprecedented detail

2 MILLION mph galaxy smash-up seen in unprecedented detail - EurekAlert

Climate change goosed hurricane wind strength by 18 mph since 2019, study says

Megan Huisingh-Scheetz, MD, MPH, of the Unive - EurekAlert

A star-like thing is flying 1 million mph in space: « This freak of nature, traveling about 1 million mph, will escape the clutch of the galaxy. It's the first time anyone has found something this massive at that incredible speed. »

Saturn threw a comet out of the solar system at 6,700 mph. Here's how

Runaway 'failed star' races through the cosmos at 1.2 million mph

Hypervelocity Star Spotted Racing Through the Milky Way at 1.3 Million MPH

Solar Sizzler: NASA’s Parker Solar Probe Zips by Sun at 394,736 MPH

Zooming Past the Sun: Parker Probe’s Record 394,736 MPH Solar Dive

Supernova Bubble Captured in Hubble Time-Lapse Movie – 20,000-Year-Old Explosion Still Expanding at 500,000 MPH