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An Ocean in Motion: NASA’s Mesmerizing View of Earth’s Underwater Highways

Quantum Breakthrough: Capturing Electrons in Motion at Unimaginable Speeds

A new way to observe electrons in motion

Astronomers uncover details of pulsar M53A's spin and motion

M87’s Black Hole in Motion: Stunning New Findings From the Event Horizon Telescope

Engineers model electric grid demand for EVs to charge while in motion

UTEP engineers model electric grid demand for EVs to charge while in motion - EurekAlert

'Star Wars: Skeleton Crew' featurette reveals the magic behind the massive stop-motion Mama Crab (video)

Artemis in Motion Listening Sessions

Static electricity could help run air conditioners: « An invention made from waste polystyrene that generates static electricity from motion and wind could lower power usage by recycling waste energy in air conditioners and other applications. »

Rhythm as “form in motion” and its significance for poetics - EurekAlert

Stirred, not shaken: Scientists uncover how transcription drives motion within the genome

Scientists uncover how transcription drives motion within the genome

Stirred, not shaken — Scientists uncover how transcription drives motion within the genome - EurekAlert

Understanding landslides: a new model for predicting motion

Understanding landslides: a new model for predicting motion - EurekAlert

Beyond displays: Liquid crystals in motion mimic biological systems - EurekAlert

Beyond displays: Liquid crystals in motion mimic biological systems

Freeze-frame: World's fastest microscope that can see electrons in motion

Freeze-frame: U of A researchers develop world's fastest microscope that can see electrons in motion - EurekAlert