
Moths are a group of insects that includes all members of the order Lepidoptera that are not butterflies.

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“Shocking” – Moths Are Strangely Vanishing From Southern U.S. Cities

Like Moths to a Flame? We May Need a New Phrase.

Unlocking the Secret Pheromone Aphrodisiac of Moths

Mystery of moths' warning sound production explained in new study

Moths to a Flame: Millennia-Old Mystery About Insects and Light at Night Solved at Last

Moths Aren't Drawn to Flames. Here's What's Really Happening.

Blue tit population booms with moths on the menu

Are these moths blinding children? Nepalese researchers seek answers

New Research Reveals That Butterflies and Moths Share Ancient “Blocks” of DNA

Ecologist Tim Blackburn: 'Moths pollinate a wider range of species than bees'

More Than a Pest – The Importance of Saving Moths

Bees Get All the Love. Won’t Someone Think of the Moths?

Saving moths may be just as important as saving the bees

What is it good for? Absolutely one thing: Luna moths use their tails solely for bat evasion

Moths are more efficient pollinators than bees, shows new research

Many animals use the night sky to navigate: Dung Beetles use the Milky Way to roll in a straight line away from competitors; songbirds can recognize rotating star patterns to pinpoint the poleward region of the sky; and Bogong moths use the night sky to accurately migrate more than 1,000 kilometers.

Grizzly bears climb mountains to eat up to 40k moths per day, a mysterious ecological marvel that links alpine food webs with those of the distant plains from which the moths migrate

Flies are taking over thanks to climate change — while moths and other pollinators disappear

Fewer moths, more flies

Scientists Put Trackers on Moths, And It Revealed an Incredible Journey in The Sky