Io (), or Jupiter I, is the innermost and third-largest of the four Galilean moons of the planet Jupiter.
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NASA's Juno spacecraft watches most powerful volcanic event ever seen on Jupiter's moon Io
NASA Captures 'Most Intense Volcanic Eruption Ever' on Jupiter's Moon Io
Jupiter’s Moon Io Does Not Have Subsurface Magma Ocean, Study Suggests
No shallow magma ocean for Jupiter's moon Io, research suggests
What causes volcanic eruptions on Jupiter's moon Io? Scientists aren't so sure anymore
Jupiter’s Moon Io Has a Giant New Volcano
Massive New Volcano Discovered Erupting on Jupiter's Moon Io
Huge new volcano has burst through the surface of Jupiter’s moon Io
NASA's Juno probe reveals lava lakes across Jupiter's volcanic moon Io (image)
NASA's Juno probe gets a close-up look at lava lakes on Jupiter's moon Io
Intricate lava trails on Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io seen from Earth (image)
Glimpses of a volcanic world: New telescope images of Jupiter's moon Io rival those from spacecraft
Glimpses of a volcanic world: New telescope images of Jupiter's moon Io rival those from spacecraft - EurekAlert
Study: Jupiter’s Moon Io Has Been Volcanically Active for All of Its History
NASA reveals 'glass-smooth lake of cooling lava' on surface of Jupiter's moon Io
NASA's Juno probe captures amazing views of Jupiter's volcanic moon Io (video)
Jupiter's moon Io has been a volcanic inferno for billions of years
Jupiter's violent moon Io has been the solar system's most volcanic body for around 4.5 billion years
Jupiter’s moon Io may have been volcanically active ever since it was born