X-ray flashes from a nearby supermassive black hole accelerate mysteriously. Their source could be the core of a dead star that’s teetering at the black hole’s edge, MIT astronomers report.

Filter captures and recycles aluminum from industrial waste. MIT engineers designed a nanofiltration process that could make aluminum production more efficient while reducing hazardous waste.

Thin, Fast, and Powerful: MIT’s “Stacked” 3D Chips Shatter Industry Constraints

MIT researchers introduce Boltz-1, a fully open-source model for predicting biomolecular structures. With models like AlphaFold3 limited to academic research, the team built an equivalent alternative, to encourage innovation more broadly.

MIT researchers introduce Boltz-1, a fully open-source model for predicting biomolecular structures - EurekAlert

What MIT Scientists Discovered About Manta Rays Is Revolutionizing Water Filtration

MIT Unveils a Biodegradable Alternative to Microplastic Beads

MIT’s Catalyst Turns Methane Menace Into Valuable Polymers

MIT astronomers find the smallest asteroids ever detected in the main belt

MIT astronomers find the smallest asteroids ever detected in the main belt - EurekAlert!

MIT astronomers find the smallest asteroids ever detected in the main belt - EurekAlert

First black hole in a triple star system found: « Astrophysicists from Caltech and MIT report that they have observed for the first time a "black hole triple"—a system of three stars, one of which is a black hole. »

To design better water filters, MIT engineers look to manta rays - EurekAlert

MIT team takes a major step toward fully 3D-printed active electronics: « By fabricating semiconductor-free logic gates, which can be used to perform computation, researchers hope to streamline the manufacture of electronics. »

The Future of Silence Is Here: MIT’s Noise-Canceling Silk

Unlocking AI’s Potential: MIT’s New Algorithm Boosts Efficiency by 50x

MIT engineers make converting CO2 into useful products more practical - EurekAlert

MIT engineers create a chip-based tractor beam for biological particles: « The tiny device uses a tightly focused beam of light to capture and manipulate cells. »

Real-Life Star Wars Tech: MIT Researchers Have Created a Miniature “Tractor Beam” To Capture Cells

MIT team takes a major step toward fully 3D-printed active electronics - EurekAlert