Far-right populists much more likely than the left to spread fake news – Amplifying misinformation is now part of radical right strategy, says Dutch study of tweets by MPs in 26 countries
New journal co-founded by NIH nominee raises eyebrows, misinformation fears
The Power Of Trump’s Big Lie: Identity Fusion, Internalizing Misinformation, and Support For Trump
The anti-fluoridation movement is born of public health mistrust and misinformation | Elissar Gerges, for The Skeptic
Why Misinformation Must Not Be Ignored
The Real Health Risk Isn’t Bluetooth Headphones; It’s the Misinformation Around Them
Misinformation Really Does Spread like a Virus, Epidemiology Shows
Can people be ‘inoculated’ against misinformation?
Why truth is no match for misinformation: Q&A with Kristina Lerman - EurekAlert
These Are the Rumors and Misinformation to Watch for on Election Day
We're homing in on the best ways to tackle misinformation
Why Disasters Like Hurricanes Milton and Helene Unleash So Much Misinformation
To make children better fact-checkers, expose them to more misinformation -- with oversight
Combating Misinformation Runs Deeper Than Swatting Away ‘Fake News’
How the U.N. Is Fighting Misinformation in Science
This researcher studies how misinformation seeps into science and politics
We need transparency from the companies disseminating misinformation
How spreading misinformation is like a nuclear reaction - EurekAlert
How spreading misinformation is like a nuclear reaction - EurekAlert
Naomi Klein on the rise of misinformation and conspiracy influencers