Miri is a coastal city in northeastern Sarawak, Malaysia, located near the border of Brunei, on the island of Borneo. The city covers an area of 997.43 square kilometres, located 798 kilometres northeast of Kuching and 329 kilometres southwest of Kota Kinabalu. Miri is the second largest city in Sarawak, with a population of 300,543 as of 2020. The city is also the capital of Miri District of the Miri Division. Before Miri was founded, Marudi was the administrative centre of the northern region of Sarawak. Miri was founded in 1910 when the first oil well was drilled by Royal Dutch Shell. The discovery of an oil field in Miri has led to rapid development of Miri town. Miri became the administrative centre of the northern region of Sarawak by 1929. During World War II, the Miri oil fields were destroyed by the Brooke government to sabotage Japanese operations in Southeast Asia but to no avail; Miri town was the first landing point of Japanese troops in Borneo.

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JWST’s MIRI Instrument is Having Problems Again

Webb Glitch: Issue With Space Telescope’s Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI)

Pillars of Creation (NIRCam and MIRI Composite Image)

James Webb Space Telescope’s MIRI Instrument Restored to Full Functionality

JWST Pillars of Creation -- Custom combination of official NIRCam + MIRI images (GIF + HD still)

JWST’s MIRI Issues, Newborn Quasar, Detecting Exoplanets with Lagrange Points

Problem Detected on the James Webb Space Telescope – MIRI Anomaly

MIRI and Spitzer comparison image

Webb’s MIRI Camera Focuses on Large Magellanic Cloud

Brrr. Webb’s MIRI has Reached 6.4 Kelvin, Just a few Degrees Above Absolute Zero

James Webb telescope's MIRI instrument goes super-cold

James Webb telescope's MIRI instrument goes super-cold

Cool news! Webb’s MIRI instrument recently passed through its critical “pinch point” and cooled to just a few kelvins above absolute zero, which is the coldest you can go