
60 Minutes II (also known as 60 Minutes Wednesday and 60 Minutes) is an American weekly primetime news magazine television program that was intended to replicate the "signature style, journalistic quality and integrity" of the original 60 Minutes series.

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New biosensor can detect airborne bird flu in under 5 minutes

Just 5 Minutes of Movement a Day Could Help Prevent Dementia

AI can decode digital data stored in DNA in minutes instead of days

The Moon has Two Grand Canyons, Carved in Minutes by an Asteroid Impact

Grand Canyons on the Moon Were Made in a Matter of Minutes

10 Minutes of Violence Gave The Moon Its Very Own 'Grand Canyons'

Grand canyons formed on moon in minutes after colossal asteroid strike

The moon’s two grand canyons formed in less than 10 minutes

Asteroid impact on Moon carved massive canyons within minutes

Hydrogen in Minutes: The Microwave Innovation Changing Clean Energy

China’s “Artificial Sun” Shatters Fusion Record With Over 17 Minutes of Plasma

Tiny insect-like robot can flip, loop and hover for up to 15 minutes

Fully Charged in Just 12 Minutes! Korean Scientists Develop Next-Gen Lithium–Sulfur Battery

Just One Cigarette Steals 20 Minutes of Your Life Expectancy, Study Finds

A Few Minutes of Exercise Today Could Do Wonders For Your Brain Tomorrow

Scientists reveal you lose 12 minutes of your life every time you drink a coke

Bystander CPR up to 10 minutes after cardiac arrest may protect brain function

5 Minutes a Day to Lower Blood Pressure? Here’s the Science

Just 5 Minutes of Exercise a Day Can Lower Blood Pressure, Study Shows

Five minutes of extra exercise a day could lower blood pressure