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Meditation And Mindfulness Have a Dark Side That We Don't Talk About

Cambridge Study Reveals Mindfulness Can Trigger Profound Altered States of Consciousness

Ultrasound technology can be used to boost mindfulness, study finds

New Research Reveals How Mindfulness Improves Your Sleep

New USF study: Mindfulness and managing emotions lead to better sleep - EurekAlert

Mindfulness in your DNA? Capacity to be present is partly a function of genetics, study finds

Mindfulness at work protects against stress and burnout

Mindfulness at work protects against stress and burnout, study finds

Combine mindfulness with exercise for mental health boost in 2024

Mindfulness-based intervention shows promise for PTSD in cardiac arrest survivors

Practicing mindfulness can help people make heart-healthy eating choices

Practicing mindfulness with an app may improve children's mental health

The True Essence of Mindfulness: New Study Reveals It’s Not All About You