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Where Does the Periodic Table End? Scientists “Milk” Atoms To Unveil Heavy Element Mysteries

Does milk and other dairy really reduce the risk of colorectal cancer?

Dolphins use a 'fat taste' system to get their mother’s milk - EurekAlert

Dolphins use a 'fat taste' system to get their mother's milk

Bird Flu Confirmed in Cat Deaths Linked to Raw Pet Food, Milk

Expert Explains Why a Glass of Milk Each Day Could Slash Cancer Risk

Daily Glass of Milk May Reduce Bowel Cancer Risk by Up to 14%, Study Shows

Swapping Cow's Milk For Plant-Based Could Cost Vital Nutrients

Baby Humpback Whales Burp and Bark to Beg Mom for Milk

Increased Consumption of Dark, But Not Milk, Chocolate Reduces Type 2 Diabetes Risk: Study

Replacing cow’s milk with soymilk (including sweetened soymilk) does not adversely affect established cardiometabolic risk factors and may result in advantages for blood lipids, blood pressure, and inflammation in adults with a mix of health statuses, systematic review finds

Scientists Uncover New Cancer-Blocking Benefits of Milk and Meat Proteins

Scientists discover proteins in meat, milk and other foods suppress gut tumors

Proteins in meat, milk, and other foods suppress gut tumors - EurekAlert

Bird Flu Hits Dairy Cows in California – Number 1 Milk Producing State in US

Ice cream made from mare's milk blended with - EurekAlert

Halting the Bird Flu Outbreak in Cows May Require Thinking Beyond Milk

Pasteurization inactivates highly infectious avian flu in milk, study suggests

Pasteurization Kills Bird Flu Virus in Milk, New Studies Confirm

Is Your Milk Safe? How Heat Battles the Infectious H5N1 Flu Virus