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Swarms of miniature robots clean up microplastics and microbes, simultaneously

Swarms of miniature robots clean up microplastics and microbes, simultaneously (video) - EurekAlert

Microrobots Swarm the Seas, Capturing Microplastics and Bacteria [Video]

Breaking the Skin Barrier: Scientists Discover New Health Risks of Microplastics

Toxic chemicals from microplastics can be absorbed through skin

Microplastics make their way from the gut to other organs

Antarctic Pollution Crisis: Microplastics Found To Be a Greater Threat Than Known

Novel hydrogel removes microplastics from water - EurekAlert

Novel hydrogel removes microplastics from water

Microplastics Are Infiltrating Archeological Remains, Scientists Warn

Plant-based plastic releases nine times less microplastics than conventional plastic

A new study has linked microplastics to heart attacks and strokes. Here’s what we know

Archaeologists are now finding microplastics in ancient remains

Scientists uncover evidence that microplastics are contaminating archaeological remains

'Very concerning': Microplastics can accumulate in cancer cells and may help them spread, study hints

A New Film at SXSW Warns of the Potential Harm of Microplastics

Microplastics Linked to Heart Attack, Stroke and Death

Microplastics linked to a greater risk of heart attack and stroke

There's a Surprisingly Simple Way to Remove Microplastics From Your Drinking Water

Boiling tap water can remove nearly 90 percent of microplastics, new study finds