
In biology, a test is the hard shell of some spherical marine animals and protists, notably sea urchins and microorganisms such as testate foraminiferans, radiolarians, and testate amoebae.

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Pesticides have negative effects on non-target organisms - The effect of new vs. old pesticides was similar independent of which taxonomic groups (animals, plants and microorganisms) or which of their trait responses (growth, reproduction, behaviour and biomarker) were considered.

The phageome: A hidden kingdom within your gut. The microbiome, made up of bacteria and other microorganisms, harbors viruses that impact both these microbes and our health. Meet the phageome.

Microorganisms can travel long distances in the troposphere

Artificial Sweetener May Be Wreaking Havoc on Microorganisms

Micromachines steered by microorganisms - EurekAlert

MIT engineers find a way to protect microbes from extreme conditions. By helping microbes withstand industrial processing, the method could make it easier to harness the benefits of microorganisms used as medicines and in agriculture.

Recent review conceptualizes how soil fauna can alter the stability of carbon in soil via processes such as tranformation/translocation of organic matter or grazing on microorganisms. Better understanding of the quantitative contribution of these processes could aid in managing soils as carbon sinks

The roles of rhizospheric and endophytic microorganisms on the regulation of secondary metabolites accumulation in ... - EurekAlert

Measuring electrical conductivity in microorganisms, approaching understanding of microbial ecosystems

Monitoring Microorganisms

Microorganisms in Gut Are Essential for Development of Social Behavior in Fish

Microorganisms' climate adaptation can slow down global warming

Ocean ecosystem: Mixotrophic microorganisms play key role

Why You Should Eat More Live Microorganisms

Scientist suggest microorganisms within silage may sequester carbon - proposed mechanism and model

Scientists Discover “Virovory” – Eating Viruses Can Power Growth of Microorganisms

Halteria: These Freshwater Microorganisms Can Grow on Virus-Only Diet

To battle climate change, scientists tap into carbon-hungry microorganisms for clues

Intestinal microorganisms influence white blood cell levels in blood

Mars was Habitable for Methanogenic Microorganisms 3.7 Billion Years Ago, Study Suggests