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Station Science 101 | Research in Microgravity: Higher, Faster, Longer

Bloodstain pattern dynamics in microgravity: Observations of a pilot study in the next frontier of forensic science

The next frontier of forensic science: blood splatter in microgravity?

The quest for a cure for cancer has led to space. Researchers are studying several cancer-causing proteins that were sent to the International Space Station in December 2018. These proteins crystalized differently in microgravity, allowing scientists to better understand their structure.

CSI in space: Analyzing bloodstain patterns in microgravity

A starring role for NASA in Biden’s push to end cancer. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station are using microgravity to unlock the disease’s secrets.

Counteracting Bone and Muscle Loss in Microgravity

Cosmic radiation and microgravity linked to erectile dysfunction in astronauts

Impossible To Achieve on Earth: Unlocking Secrets of Aging and Immunity in Microgravity

A Day in Microgravity: Immunity Research and 3D Printing on the ISS

To advance space colonization, new research explores 3D printing in microgravity

Microgravity Can Permanently Mutate Bacteria And Make Them Faster Breeders

Microgravity-induced skeletal muscle atrophy in women and men: Implications for long-duration spaceflights to the Moon and Mars

'Smart' molecule could tackle microgravity-induced bone loss

Astronauts on ISS can face muscle loss in microgravity – a new ESA experiment may help