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Astronauts Gear Up for a High-Stakes Spacewalk to Hunt Microbes in Microgravity

Peak Performance in Microgravity

Scientists Put Cats in Microgravity to See What Would Happen

Exposure to Microgravity Seems to Seriously Disorient Human Sperm

Accelerated model of age-related muscle loss in microgravity could lead to new sarcopenia treatments - EurekAlert

Beer in space: Researchers study microgravity's effect on fermentation

Astronauts on ISS practice moon base cement-mixing tech in microgravity

Drugs can partially prevent muscle loss caused by microgravity, experimental study finds

Experiment on photosynthesis is heading to the space station to explore effects of microgravity

Space-trekking muscle tests drugs for microgravity-induced muscle impairment

Space-trekking muscle tests drugs for microgravity-induced muscle impairment - EurekAlert

Space-trekking muscle tests drugs for microgravity-induced muscle impairment - EurekAlert

3D printer successfully makes little space shuttle models in microgravity

Heart failure in space: scientists calculate potential health threats facing future space tourists in microgravity - EurekAlert

Station Science 101 | Research in Microgravity: Higher, Faster, Longer

Bloodstain pattern dynamics in microgravity: Observations of a pilot study in the next frontier of forensic science

The next frontier of forensic science: blood splatter in microgravity?

The quest for a cure for cancer has led to space. Researchers are studying several cancer-causing proteins that were sent to the International Space Station in December 2018. These proteins crystalized differently in microgravity, allowing scientists to better understand their structure.

CSI in space: Analyzing bloodstain patterns in microgravity

A starring role for NASA in Biden’s push to end cancer. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station are using microgravity to unlock the disease’s secrets.