
Of Mice & Men (often abbreviated OM&M) is an American rock band formed in Costa Mesa, California, in 2009.

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An mRNA vaccine for asthma shows promise in mice

Missing protein keeps mice slim, even on a high-fat diet

Antioxidant found in broccoli, celery suppresses gray hair in mice according to Nagoya university research

Incredible Discovery Shows Mice Trying to Revive Fallen Companions

Mice seen giving 'first aid' to unconscious companions

Artificial sweetener triggers insulin spike leading to blood vessel inflammation in mice - EurekAlert

Scientists Put a Human Language Gene Into Mice And Changed Their Voice

Multiple sclerosis: Cell-catching implant helps identify successful treatment in mice

A treatment-resistant, severe type of asthma successfully modeled in mice

The Gene That Made Mice Squeak Strangely

Researchers discover how opsin 3, a light-sensitive brain protein, regulates food consumption in mice

Researchers discover how opsin 3, a light-sensitive brain protein, regulates food consumption in mice - EurekAlert

Gene therapy for rare epilepsy shows promise in mice

Jumping workouts could help astronauts on the moon and Mars, study in mice suggests

Jumping workouts could help astronauts on the moon and Mars, study in mice suggests - EurekAlert

New “Humanized” Mice Brings Scientists Closer to Reversing Aging

“I can’t hear you, I’m too stressed”: Repeated stress in mice reduces sound perception - EurekAlert

Faulty Mitochondria Trigger Insulin Dysfunction in Pancreatic Cells, but ISRIB Restores Blood Sugar Control in Mice

Microplastics Can Block Blood Flow in The Brain, Study in Mice Shows

Surprising Link Between Menthol And Alzheimer's Discovered in Mice