
Methane (US: MEH-thayn, UK: MEE-thayn) is a chemical compound with the chemical formula CH4 (one carbon atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms).

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Rice paddies, like cows, spew methane. A new variety makes them a lot less gassy.

Volcano in Ethiopia is releasing unusually large plumes of methane

Inconsistent reporting leads to underestimation of climate impact of methane

Is Methane the Key to Finding Life on Other Worlds?

High-yield rice breed emits up to 70% less methane

High-yield rice breed emits up to 70% less methane - EurekAlert

Coastal waters: An underestimated source of methane

A new catalyst can turn methane into something useful: « MIT chemical engineers have devised a way to capture methane, a potent greenhouse gas, and convert it into polymers. »

A catalyst can turn methane into something useful

Researchers Find New Way to Convert Carbon Dioxide into Methane

Methane from tropical wetlands is surging, threatening climate plans

Forgotten greenhouse gases: methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases under scrutiny - energynews

Saturn's moon Titan has insulating methane-rich crust up to six miles thick

Co-aromatization of methane and hexane over Pt encapsulated in ZSM-5 zeolite and the electronic effect of K promoters - EurekAlert

Saturn’s moon Titan has insulating methane-rich crust up to six miles thick - EurekAlert

Innovative catalyst produces methane using electricity - EurekAlert

To slow global warming, could methane be stripped from the air?

Catalyst for 'one-step' conversion of methane to methanol

Catalyst for 'one-step' conversion of methane to methanol - EurekAlert

New Satellite Will Track Methane Super Emitters