
Memory is the faculty of the mind by which data or information is encoded, stored, and retrieved when needed.

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Could Gravitational-Wave ‘Memories’ Prove Einstein Wrong?

Memories Are Made by Breaking DNA — and Fixing It, Study in Mice Finds

Mechanism found to determine which memories last

Memories are made by breaking DNA — and fixing it. Nerve cells form long-term memories with the help of an inflammatory response seen usually in immune cells, study in mice finds.

Brain waves travel in one direction when memories are made and the opposite when recalled

Insight into memories may alter our view of eyewitness testimonies

Fatty acids hold clue to creating memories

Researchers discover a new role for a protein that helps form memories

Do These Experiments Really Show Rats Replaying Memories Inside Their Minds?

Distinct brain activity triggered by memories of trauma

Scientists Have Discovered That Bacteria Have “Memories”

Bacteria Can Store Memories And Pass Them on For Generations

How do we learn? Neuroscientists pinpoint how memories are likely to be stored in the brain

Nostalgia and memories after ten years of social media

Lung cancer cells' 'memories' suggest new strategy for improving treatment

Wearable device makes memories and powers up with the flex of a finger

A meta-analysis finds that in victims of childhood trauma and adversity, "subjective" experience (perceptions, memories) is more predictive of mental illness than "objective" measures like child protection and crime records or reports from multiple informants.

Memories of Project RAMOS (Russian American Observation Satellites) 1991 – 2004

Saturated fat may interfere with creating memories in aged brain

Cardiac arrest patients had perception, dreams or memories, study into near-death experiences suggests | Science & Tech News