
Memory is the faculty of the mind by which data or information is encoded, stored, and retrieved when needed.

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Materials Can Form 'Memories' in New And Unexpected Ways, Study Shows

How people suppress memories may be key to PTSD recovery

CAR-T cells hold memories of past encounters

The Size of Your Pupils While You Sleep Could Reveal The Memories You're Reliving

Pupil size in sleep reveals how memories are sorted, preserved

Memories are not only in the brain: « Study shows kidney and nerve tissue cells learn and make memories in ways similar to neurons. »

Seeing Memories Form: Scientists Shed New Light on the Hippocampus

All the cells in your body can learn and make memories, researchers find

Scientist shows fungi are ‘mind-blowing’: they have memories, learn shapes, can make decisions and solve problems, « You’d be surprised at just how much fungi are capable of. »

How Stress Is Quietly Rewriting Your Brain’s Memories

When Memories Clash: How the Brain Chooses Between Love and Hunger

Seeing memories form

Stress can disrupt memory and lead to needless anxiety — here’s how. In mice, stress altered the way that the brain formed memories, resulting in an unnecessary fear response.

Stress makes mice's memories less specific

How stress is fundamentally changing our memories

New insights into how we navigate space and store memories

Mind-Blowing Discovery: Scientists Discover That Memories Are Not Only in the Brain

Memories are not only in the brain, new research finds - EurekAlert

Memories are not only in the brain, new research finds

Studies on how star-shaped cells reshape our understanding of memory suggests that these cells play a role in both the formation and storage of memories, challenging the established theory that memories are stored only in our neurons.