
Ubuntu releases are made semiannually by Canonical Ltd, the developers of the Ubuntu operating system, using the year and month of the release as a version number.

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MeerKAT Confirms the Gravitational Wave Background of the Universe in Record Time

MeerKAT Confirms the Gravitational Wave Background of the Universe in Record Time

MeerKAT Confirms the Gravitational Wave Background of the Universe in Record Time

New giant radio galaxy discovered with MeerKAT

MeerKAT's Swift Scan Revealed 49 New Galaxies in 3 Hours

MeerKAT Finds Hundreds of Horizontal Filaments in Milky Way’s Center

Astronomers used machine learning to mine data from South Africa’s MeerKAT telescope and find SAURON (Steep and Uneven Ring Of Non-thermal Radiation)

Big upgrade for MeerKAT telescope boosts search for intelligent alien life

MeerKAT Discovers Farthest Hydroxyl Megamaser to Date

MeerKAT Captures Most Detailed Image Yet of ‘Odd Radio Circle’

New MeerKAT Image Reveals Radio-Emitting Filaments in Milky Way’s Center

New MeerKAT radio image reveals complex heart of the Milky Way - including a stunning view of Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy

Testosterone Drives the Dark Side of Success: Meerkat Societies Fall Apart When Aggression Is Taken Away

Analysis of 2,000 galaxies using the MeerKat radio telescope reveals fresh insights