Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is a diet inspired by the eating habits and traditional food typical of Portugal, southern Spain, southern Italy, Crete and much of the rest of Greece discovered internationally in the early 1960s.

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Total food costs were 25% lower on a vegan diet compared with a Mediterranean diet, study finds

New Study Reveals Blood Sugar Control is a Key Factor in Slowing Brain Aging, Highlighting the Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

Scientists Uncover Stress-Relief Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

Want to feel less stressed? Try the Mediterranean diet - EurekAlert

Clear Skin Ahead: Scientists Unlock the Omega-3 and Mediterranean Diet Secret

Ancient Syrian diets resembled the modern 'Mediterranean diet'

Mediterranean Diet Linked to 23% Lower Risk of Death in Women

Mediterranean Diet Tied to 23% Lower Risk of Death in Landmark 25-Year Study

Mediterranean diet tied to one-fifth lower risk of early death in women

Older adults adhering to Mediterranean diet have 11% lower odds of developing dementia, study finds

We’re finally working out why the Mediterranean diet is so good for us

12-Year Study Reveals How The Mediterranean Diet Might Affect Your Brain

Following a Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of cognitive decline in older people

Green Mediterranean Diet: How Eating Healthy Can Make Your Brain Younger

The Mediterranean Diet: Good for your health and your hip pocket

Experiment Reveals How The Mediterranean Diet Works at The Cellular Level

Gutless marine worms on a Mediterranean diet: Animals can synthesize phytosterols

Mediterranean Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia by Up to 23%

Mediterranean Diet Linked With 23% Lower Risk of Dementia

Mediterranean Diet May Be the Ultimate Weapon Against Against Prostate Cancer