When life re-emerges after fires: how Mediterranean vegetation regenerates after burning - EurekAlert

The Most Energetic Neutrino Ever Seen Makes a Mediterranean Splash

Mediterranean sharks continue to decline despite conservation progress

Mediterranean and DASH diets linked to slower cognitive decline in older adults

Mediterranean sharks continue to decline despite conservation progress - EurekAlert

Scientists are building underwater neutrino telescopes in the Mediterranean

Critically Endangered Mako Shark Tagged for the First Time in the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean Almost Vanished Millions of Years Ago. Here's Why.

Fossils tell tale of devastating mass extinction when Mediterranean dried up

An 'invasive' marine organism has become an economic resource in the eastern Mediterranean

An ‘invasive’ marine organism has become an economic resource in the eastern Mediterranean - EurekAlert

When the Mediterranean Turned to Salt: Scientists Shed New Light on Ancient Marine Mystery

How a salt giant radically reshaped Mediterranean marine biodiversity - EurekAlert

How a salt giant radically reshaped Mediterranean marine biodiversity

Better Than the Mediterranean: A New Study Reveals That This Type of Diet Is Best for Weight Loss

Want to feel less stressed? Try the Mediterranean diet - EurekAlert

Researching heat waves in the Mediterranean with the diving community - EurekAlert

Early Homo sapiens facilitated the establishment of the Bonelli's eagle in the Mediterranean 50,000 years ago

When the First Homo sapiens Met Eagles: The Ancient Roots of Bonelli’s Eagle in the Mediterranean

Ancient Syrian diets resembled the modern 'Mediterranean diet'