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It’s not your imagination. Men really do eat more meat than women, study says

Study reveals consumers value animal welfare more than environmental sustainability when buying meat and dairy products

Not All Paleolithic Hunter-Gatherers Were Big Into Meat, New Study Reveals

Scientists use blue-green algae as a surrogate mother for 'meat-like' proteins

Lab-Made Meat? Florida Lawmakers Don’t Like the Sound of It.

Seeing viral pork TikToks? It’s a government-backed group pushing meat on Gen Z.

Our hunter-gatherer ancestors did much more gathering veggies than hunting meat

Early Human Bones Reveal Paleo Diet Favored Plants Over Meat

Meat vs. Plant: New Research Reveals a Clear Winner for Muscle Growth

Examining 141 nutritional studies from across the world, this meta-analysis reveals nutrient inadequacies in both plant-based and meat-based diets. It underscores the need for a balanced, sustainable diet through education on diverse, nutrient-dense foods, and fortification and supplementation.

Eating less meat would be good for the Earth. Small nudges can change behavior

Beefing Up Immunity: Nutrient Found in Meat and Dairy Improves Cancer Defense

Does Humanity Have to Eat Meat?

Our addiction to meat is killing the planet — it’s time for change

Vegan vs. Meat-Eating Cats: New Study Yields Surprising Results

This Tick Bite Makes You Allergic to Red Meat

Making plant-based meat more 'meaty' -- with fermented onions