Supermassive Black Holes Can Create Their Own Meals, Astronomers Say
Weight loss app that tracks fiber, protein content in meals
U. of I. team develops weight loss app that tracks fiber, protein content in meals - EurekAlert
Cooking With Garlic and Onions? You Might Be Adding Hidden Harmful Fats to Your Meals
Study finds eating pecans may blunt negative effects of meals high in “bad” fats - EurekAlert
World-First Study Could Help Explain Why Meals Taste Bad in Space
Food aroma study may help explain why meals taste bad in space - EurekAlert
Food aroma study may help explain why meals taste bad in space - EurekAlert
Designing our meals with 3D printing - EurekAlert
Raymond Loewy, famed for his design of the Coca-Cola bottle among other work, helped design Skylab. He did so with a few principles in mind: eight hours of daily solitude, meals facing each other, and smooth partitions
‘The Reality of the Situation’: There was no hot water supply on board Apollo Lunar module so all meals on the lunar surface were served cold. Astronauts Scott and Irwin all asked for more food to be brought as walking on the Moon required huge reserves of energy and stamina