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How fruit flies flit between courtship and aggression to fight for mates

How fruit flies flit between courtship and aggression to fight for mates - EurekAlert

Bella moths use poison to attract mates. Scientists are closer to finding out how - EurekAlert

Bella moths use poison to attract mates: Scientists are closer to finding out how

Fiddler Crabs Unleash Special Vibrations to Attract Mates—And Deter Foes

How butterflies choose mates: Gene controls preferences

In a study of Greek-speaking participants, the strongest predictor of failure to attract mates was poor flirting ability: One unit increase in flirting capacity was associated with a more than three times increase in the probability to be in an intimate relationship than involuntarily single.

Some corals change sex each year so they can find mates

These Underwater Fireworks Are From ‘Sea Fireflies’ Looking for Mates

Not just a tuxedo: African penguins identify mates by their polka dots