Massive Black Holes

This is an ordered list of the most massive black holes so far discovered (and probable candidates), measured in units of solar masses (M☉), approximately 2×1030 kilograms.

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One of the Most Massive Black Holes in the Universe Lurks at the Center of the Cosmic Horsehoe

One of the Most Massive Black Holes in the Universe Lurks at the Center of the Cosmic Horsehoe

One of the Most Massive Black Holes in the Universe Lurks at the Center of the Cosmic Horsehoe

Massive Black Holes and “Glue” Particles – Physicists Uncover a Remarkable Correspondence

Giant array of low-cost telescopes could speed hunt for radio bursts, massive black holes

Scientists find a common thread linking subatomic color glass condensate and massive black holes

Ultra-Massive Black Holes: How Does the Universe Produce Objects So Massive?

Scientists Find One of the Most Massive Black Holes With 34 Billion Times The Mass of Our Sun

UNC-Chapel Hill astronomers find hidden trove of massive black holes

Scientists uncover new population of massive black holes

Astronomers Discover Hidden Trove of Massive Black Holes – “We All Got Nervous”