Massive Black Holes

This is an ordered list of the most massive black holes so far discovered (and probable candidates), measured in units of solar masses (M☉), approximately 2×1030 kilograms.

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Massive Black Holes and “Glue” Particles – Physicists Uncover a Remarkable Correspondence

Giant array of low-cost telescopes could speed hunt for radio bursts, massive black holes

Scientists find a common thread linking subatomic color glass condensate and massive black holes

Ultra-Massive Black Holes: How Does the Universe Produce Objects So Massive?

Scientists Find One of the Most Massive Black Holes With 34 Billion Times The Mass of Our Sun

UNC-Chapel Hill astronomers find hidden trove of massive black holes

Scientists uncover new population of massive black holes

Astronomers Discover Hidden Trove of Massive Black Holes – “We All Got Nervous”