Mars Society

The Mars trilogy is a series of science fiction novels by Kim Stanley Robinson that chronicles the settlement and terraforming of the planet Mars through the personal and detailed viewpoints of a wide variety of characters spanning almost two centuries.

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Mars Society Hails New Glenn's Milestone Launch, “A Giant Leap Towards Opening the Space Frontier”

Mars Society Publishes New Book, Students to Mars!: A Showcase of High School Innovation in Human Mars Mission Design

Mars Society's Zubrin: Building Starship Was 'The Easy Part' of Mars Settlement

Mars Desert Research Director Sergii Iakymov Completes 45-Day NASA Simulated Mars Mission in Houston - The Mars Society

Mars Society Starts Congressional Campaign to Make NASA Produce a Humans to Mars Plan

Crew 16 Returns to Earth After Successful Analog Mission at the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station on Devon Island- The Mars Society

Ashton Zeth Takes on Expanded Role with the Mars Society as the new Director of the Mars Society Ambassador program.

Mars Society to Publish Journal of Space Analog Research

NY Times Photo Collection about MDRS - The Mars Society

Mars Society conference happening online Oct. 5 through Oct. 8

Mars Society to develop tech for human exploration on red planet

Mars Society proposes institute to develop tech needed for Red Planet settlement

Mars Society to Launch Mars Technology Institute

Mars Society begins simulated Red Planet mission in Canadian Arctic

FMARS – Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station – Analogue research base owned by The Mars Society and located on Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada

Red Planet Live to Welcome JWST's Marcia Rieke to Discuss Astronomy & Answer Questions - The Mars Society

Mars Society’s Telerobotic Mars Expedition Design Book Now Available Online

Mars Society Chicago Working on Unique EVA Link System for Mars Desert Research Station & Beyond

Mars Society Calls for Creative Designs for its 2023 Poster Contest!

Mars Society President Dr. Robert Zubrin Hails Starship Flight Test