
A mammal (from Latin mamma 'breast') is a vertebrate animal of the class Mammalia ().

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Rethinking Brain Evolution: Birds and Mammals Took Different Paths to Intelligence

Birds have developed complex brains independently from mammals

Birds have developed complex brains independently from mammals - EurekAlert

World's oldest mammalian ancestor discovered in Mallorca. It is the oldest known gorgonopsian on the planet, the lineage of saber-toothed predators that would eventually give rise to mammals.

Described in Mallorca the world's oldest ancestor of mammals - EurekAlert

Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation enzyme groups regulate sleep and wakefulness in mammals

Study may reverse century-old understanding of the shape of 'arms' on mammals' brain cells

Study may reverse century-old understanding of the shape of ‘arms’ on mammals’ brain cells - EurekAlert

H5N1 bird flu is evolving to better infect mammals, CDC study suggests

Testing thousands of RNA enzymes helps find first ‘twister ribozyme’ in mammals - EurekAlert

Testing thousands of RNA enzymes helps find first 'twister ribozyme' in mammals

Deadly Bird Flu Strain From Dairy Cows Raises Alarms With Airborne Transmission in Mammals

How mammals got their stride - EurekAlert

How mammals got their stride

Japanese share 2024 Ig Nobel for finding many mammals can breathe through anus

The Human Heart Is Unique Among Mammals For This Key Reason

Paleontologists Reveal Big Differences in Growth Patterns between Jurassic and Modern Mammals

Size Doesn’t Matter for Mammals With More Complex Brains, According to New Study

Scientists Confirm Bird Flu Is Now Spreading Between Mammals

Climate is most important factor in where mammals choose to live, study finds