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Macrophages express high level of Spp1, linki - EurekAlert

Unraveling the role of macrophages in regulating inflammatory lipids during acute kidney injury

Discovery of a new population of macrophages promoting lung repair after viral infections - EurekAlert

Discovery of a new population of macrophages promoting lung repair after viral infections

TBC1D1 is an energy-responsive polarization regulator of macrophages via governing ROS production in obesity - EurekAlert

Obesity induces PD-1 on macrophages to suppress anti-tumour immunity (2024)

Macrophages behave like mural cells to promote healing of ischemic muscle injury

Macrophages produce heat from brown adipose tissue in response to cold

How macrophages regulate regenerative healing in spiny mice

Macrophages 'eat' insulin-producing cells to regulate insulin after mice have given birth