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Integrating machine learning with total network controllability analysis to identify therapeutic targets for cancer treatment - EurekAlert
Generating asset pricing model via symbolic modeling—a machine learning-based approach - EurekAlert
Machine learning aids in detection of 'brain tsunamis'
Are a Machine's Thoughts Real? The Answer Matters Now More Than Ever.
Underwater mics and machine learning aid right whale conservation
Tracking the atomistic structural transformations in chemical evolution via machine-learned infrared spectroscopy - EurekAlert
Re-engineering where body meets machine
Wearable ultrasound tech for muscle monitoring opens new possibilities in healthcare and human-machine interfaces - EurekAlert
Wearable ultrasound tech for muscle monitoring opens new possibilities in healthcare and human-machine interfaces
Machine learning analysis sheds light on who benefits from protected bike lanes
Milton Disrupted the Flow of Drinking Water—so Florida Deployed a Machine to Harvest It From Air
Integrating machine learning with statistical methods enhances disease risk prediction models - EurekAlert
MicroRNA, Protein Folding and Machine-Learning Work Win the Science Nobels
New insights into anisotropic dynamics at the Pt(211)/water interface revealed by machine learning molecular dynamics - EurekAlert
predicting colonization outcomes of complex microbial communities by machine-learning models - EurekAlert
Detecting machine-generated text: An arms race with the advancements of large language models
Combining machine and deep transfer learning for mediastinal lymph node evaluation in patients with lung cancer - EurekAlert
Detecting machine-generated text: An arms race with the advancements of large language models - EurekAlert
NASA Trains Machine Learning Algorithm for Mars Sample Analysis
The Properties of 1.2 Million Solar System Objects Are Now Contained In A Machine-Readable Database