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Soaring birds use their lungs to modify mechanics of flight

Site new care homes near trees and away from busy roads to protect residents' lungs

Study offers new detail on how COVID-19 affects the lungs

World’s only lungless frog species actually does have lungs after all

Study offers new detail on how COVID-19 affects the lungs - EurekAlert

Scientists Reveal Just How Far Plastic Can Reach Into Your Lungs

These windpipe cells trigger coughs to keep water out of the lungs

Stanford Medicine Unmasks the Surprising Instigators of Severe COVID in the Lungs

Warning: Study Shows Vaping Additives Harm a Vital Membrane in the Lungs

Neuroscience Breakthrough: The Silent Dance Between Brain, Heart, and Lungs Revealed

Research finds a direct communication path between the lungs and the brain

“Viral Reservoirs” Uncovered: COVID-19 Lurks in Lungs for up to 18 Months

Endovascular catheter opens blocked arteries deep within lungs

Nanoparticle vaccine could curb cancer metastasis to lungs by targeting a protein

New Cholesterol Drugs Could Harm Lungs, Warns Groundbreaking Global Study