
Black lung disease, also known as coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP) or simply black lung, is an occupational type of pneumoconiosis caused by long-term exposure to coal dust.

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Exposure to Remote Wildfire Smoke Drifting Across the U.S. Linked to Increased Medical Visits for Heart and Lung Problems

Microplastics in the air may be leading to lung and colon cancers

Exposure to remote wildfire smoke drifting across the US linked to increased medical visits for heart and lung problems

Exposure to remote wildfire smoke drifting across the US linked to increased medical visits for heart and lung problems - EurekAlert

Scientists developing microchips with brain and lung tissue to study viral neuroinflammation - EurekAlert

Human cell culture model of lung's most important immune cells

UVA engineers design lookalike drug carrier to evade lung’s lines of defense - EurekAlert

Engineers design lookalike drug carrier to evade lung's lines of defense

Nanobody inhibits metastasis of breast tumor cells to lung in mice - EurekAlert

Lung nodules seen in a high percentage of non-smokers - EurekAlert

Lung complications can worsen two years after hospitalization for severe COVID-19 - EurekAlert

Study finds better survival rates for recipients of lung from hospital-based donor care units compared to independent donor care units

Lung organoids unveil secret: How pathogens infect human lung tissue

Lung organoids unveil secret: How pathogens infect human lung tissue - EurekAlert

Trial results for new lung cancer drug are ‘off the charts’, say doctors | Lung cancer

Lung abnormality progression linked to acute respiratory disease in smokers - EurekAlert

Endometrial, lung, and survivorship studies headline Dana-Farber research at AACR Annual Meeting 2024 - EurekAlert

A lung-mimicking sealant helps repair surgical leaks

Unlocking the Lung’s Hidden Army of Flu Fighters

Chemical and mechanical forces combine to guide the development of the lung's branching pattern. This finding, in Current Biology, could help scientists design better organoids for therapeutic research.