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More schooling is linked to slowed aging and increased longevity

The unexpected ways your skin impacts your health and longevity

Longevity Restored: Quitting Smoking Brings Big Health Benefits, Fast

Snouts and Lifespan: How the Shape of Your Dog’s Nose Predicts Its Longevity

Unraveling the role of supersulfides in regulating mitochondrial function and longevity

Scientists Identify The Optimal Number of Daily Steps For Longevity, And It's Not 10,000

The Elixir of Aging: Unraveling the Metabolite Maze for Human Health and Longevity

Hearing aids may boost longevity, study finds. But only if used regularly

The Scent of Longevity: How Smelling Harmful Substances May Prolong Life

Researchers transfer longevity gene from naked mole rats to mice

Rewriting the Rules of Longevity: Scientists Propose Alternative Connection Between Diet and Aging