
A lockdown is a restriction policy for people, community or a country to stay where they are, usually due to specific risks (such as COVID-19) that could possibly harm the people if they move and interact freely.

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Did Covid lockdowns really cause temperatures on the moon to drop?

Lockdowns Did Something to Teen Brains, And We Need to Talk About It

New Study Challenges Conventional Wisdom on Lockdowns

Lockdowns had an impact on gut microbes and allergies in newborns, new research reveals

Maths: Smart learning software helps children during lockdowns -- and beyond

How Lockdowns Shaped the Virus: AI Uncovers COVID-19’s Evolutionary Secrets

Lockdowns and Liquor: Surge in Severe, Alcohol-Related Liver Injury During COVID Pandemic

Wild Mammals Roam Farther: An Unforeseen Effect of COVID-19 Lockdowns

COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdowns Altered Mammal Movement Behaviors Worldwide

Rethinking Pandemic Strategies: Regular Testing and Self-Isolation Can Outperform Lockdowns

How lockdowns turned us into antisocial goblins – and why it matters

Animal deaths on UK roads fell sharply during covid-19 lockdowns

Unlocking Academic Success: How Pre-Pandemic Campus Sports Boosted Resilience During Lockdowns

Premature Births Fell During Some Covid Lockdowns, Study Finds

Bird behavior influenced by human activity during COVID-19 lockdowns

COVID Lockdowns Exposed The Complex Ways We Respond to Loneliness

Methane levels surged in 2020 despite lockdowns

Pandemic lockdowns, supply shortages, and inflation wreak havoc with big science projects

Protected Conservation Areas Saw Dramatic Spikes in Fires During COVID Lockdowns

Hype up fitness to support kids' health post-lockdowns, experts urge