
The American lobster (Homarus americanus) is a species of lobster found on the Atlantic coast of North America, chiefly from Labrador to New Jersey.

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Gorgeous 'Cotton Candy' Lobster Just Found Is So Rare It's 1-in-100 Million

News at a glance: ‘Lobster eye’ space telescope, psychiatrists’ conflicts, and elusive common sense

Worm named after a comedian impacting spiny lobster reproduction and could threaten a lucrative fishery

Harvard Researchers Discover Five New Deep-Sea Squat Lobster Species – Calling for a Revision of Current Systematics

China’s tests ‘lobster eye’ telescope to capture precise X-ray images of the universe

Whole Foods to Stop Buying Maine Lobster Amid Risk to Endangered Whales

China tests novel 'lobster eye' X-ray telescope for observing cosmic events

See And Download The Stunning New 570-Megapixel Image Of The ‘Lobster Nebula’

‘Lobster Nebula’ 8,000 light years from earth captured for first time

A cosmic Lobster seen by the Dark Energy Camera

Dark Energy Camera Celebrates Its 10th Birthday with Stunning Photo of Lobster Nebula

On its Hunt for Dark Energy, a Telescope Stopped to Look at the Lobster Nebula

'Lobster Nebula' glows red in stunning new image from dark energy hunter

The world could create more sustainable batteries with an unusual source: crustaceans. In a paper published this week in the journal Matter, researchers say they have made a biodegradable battery with a substance found in crab and lobster shells.

US Lobsterman Pulls Up 1-in-a-100-Million Lobster The Color of Cotton Candy

Blueprint for Robust Artificial Tissues: Synthetic Hydrogel Mimics Lobster Underbelly’s Stretch and Strength

How Lobster Eyes Can Help Astronomers Get a Wider View of the Cosmos

Humpback whale swallows lobster diver before spitting him out

Unique Fossil Shows Shark Killed A Squid While It Ate An Ancient Lobster

It’s Dinner Time on the Space Station. Lobster or Beef Bourguignon? A French astronaut who leaves Earth these days does not leave French food behind. Earth’s gastronomical delights are being adapted to life in orbit.