NASA rover discovers liquid water 'ripples' carved into Mars rock — and it could rewrite the Red Planet's history

Why Finding Liquid Water on Mars Is Harder Than We Thought

New study says we're unlikely to find liquid water on Mars anytime soon

Astronomers deal a blow to theory that Venus once had liquid water on its surface

Researchers deal a blow to theory that Venus once had liquid water on its surface

Meteorite contains evidence of liquid water on Mars 742 million years ago

Meteorite contains evidence of liquid water on Mars 742 million years ago

Subsurface Oceans on Mars? NASA’s InSight Uncovers Vast Reservoir of Liquid Water

Mid-Crust of Mars May Contain ‘Oceans of Liquid Water’

Presence of liquid water most probable explanation for data collected by Mars lander - EurekAlert

Did We Just Find Liquid Water on Mars? NASA InSight Lander’s Surprising Data

Scientists Just Found Oceans of Liquid Water on Mars – But There's a Catch

Marsquakes may help reveal whether liquid water exists underground on red planet

Is there liquid water on Mars today? Marsquake data could tell us

Marsquakes could reveal whether liquid water exists underground on red planet

Don't Get Your Hopes Up for Finding Liquid Water on Mars

Pluto Has an Ocean of Liquid Water Surrounded by a 40-80 km Ice Shell

Scientists have discovered an Earth-sized, potentially habitable planet just 40 light years away. Named TRAPPIST-1e, is located in TRAPPIST-1 system and has conditions that might support liquid water and life. The discovery fuels our curiosity and hopes about the possibility of life beyond Earth.

Physicists Take First Look at Electrons Moving in Real-Time in Liquid Water

First-ever atomic freeze-frame of liquid water