
The BC Lions are a professional Canadian football team based in Vancouver, British Columbia.

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Tracking the Ghost and the Darkness: DNA Decodes Deadly Diets of Tsavo’s Legendary “Man-Eater” Lions

Human DNA Found in Lions' Teeth Confirms a Tragic Legend of History

Genomic study identifies human, animal hair in ‘man-eater’ lions’ teeth - EurekAlert

Genomic study identifies human, animal hair in 'man-eater' lions' teeth

Genomic study identifies human, animal hair in ‘man-eater’ lions’ teeth - EurekAlert

The Black Hills are thick with lions. But those that leave are unlikely to repopulate the East, study finds.

Lions' record-breaking swim across channel captured by drone camera

Scientists Capture Lions’ Record-Breaking Swim in Crocodile-Infested Waters

'Super Predator': One Animal in Africa Instills Even More Fear Than Lions

Turns Out There's One Animal Powerful Enough to Mess With Lions' Feeding Habits

Tiny ants have a big impact on the hunting behavior of lions

Lions Are Changing Their Hunting Strategy because of Ant Invasion

How ants thwarted lions on the African savanna

Scarier Than Lions – Animals Around the World Fear This “Super Predator”

Animals of the Safari Are More Afraid of Humans Than Lions

Neanderthals hunted—and revered—cave lions

Humans May Dethrone Lions As The Real ‘Kings Of The Jungle,’ Study Says

There's One Predator in Africa That Instils Even More Fear Than Lions

Lions on the brink -- New analysis reveals the differing threats to African lion populations

Is a Harmful Algae Killing Hundreds of Sea Lions in California?