
Product lifetime or product lifespan is the time interval from when a product is sold to when it is discarded.Product lifetime is slightly different from service life because the latter considers only the effective time the product is used.

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Hurtigruten Cruises: The trip of a lifetime for astronomy lovers

Photographer captures rare Comet G3 ATLAS from UK in dramatic 'once-in-a-lifetime' image

Aerospace engineer recognized for lifetime of innovations - EurekAlert

Changes in blood cell production over the lifetime could impact leukemia outcomes

Study: Cannabis Use Associated with Less Cognitive Decline Over Lifetime

School suspensions and expulsions can lead to a lifetime of depression, study finds

Rare illusion gives 'once-in-a-lifetime' comet a seemingly impossible 2nd tail after closest approach to Earth for 80,000 years

Astronomers prepare for once-in-a-lifetime event: A 'new star' in the night sky

Astronomers prepare for once-in-a-lifetime event: A 'new star' in the night sky

Astronauts Touch Down on Soyuz MS-25 After Journey of a Lifetime – 78 Million Miles

How a $7 Drug Is Saving Babies From a Lifetime of Disability

How gene regulation changes over a lifetime

Brain Scientists Finally Discover the Glue that Makes Memories Stick for a Lifetime

'Once-in-a-lifetime' photo: Perseid meteors, northern lights and rare glowing arc shine over 11th-century castle

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Explosion Is About to Reveal a 'New Star' in The Sky

A once-in-a-lifetime explosion is about to create a 'new' star in the sky

Once-in-a-lifetime star explosion, visible from Earth, could happen any day now

How do our memories last a lifetime? New study offers a biological explanation - EurekAlert

How do our memories last a lifetime? New study offers a biological explanation

How to see "once-in-a-lifetime" nova explosion over US skies