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Trump's CDC Firings Will Gut Public Health at the State and Local Level

Holograms Take 3D Printing to the Next Level – With Amazing Precision and Speed

With Nature article and $4 million grant, Schuman advances community-level neuromorphic computing - EurekAlert

'Unprecedented' level of control allows person without use of limbs to operate virtual quadcopter

Quantum Breakthrough Could Propel Superconductors to the Next Level

State-level, out-of-pocket insulin caps do not substantially increase utilization

Exemplar-based data generation and leaf-level analysis for phenotyping drought-stressed poplar saplings - EurekAlert

AI could take medical imaging to the next level

Amazing New Technique Images Alzheimer's Brain Changes at Every Level, All at Once

Scientists push single-molecule DNA sequencing to the next level

Scientists push single-molecule DNA sequencing to the next level - EurekAlert

Eye care: Taking electroretinography to the next level with a soft multi-electrode system

Taking electroretinography to the next level with a soft multi-electrode system - EurekAlert

ASC scientists released long-term data of ground solar-induced fluorescence to improve understanding of canopy-level ... - EurekAlert

Shoreline model predicts long-term future of storm protection and sea-level rise

No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health

Bees can teach others to master complex tasks, and display a level of social learning traditionally thought exclusive to humans, scientists have found.

‘Failure at every level’: How science sleuths exposed massive ethics violations at a famed French institute

How climate change risks increase at a national scale as the level of global warming increases

Smarter CT scans may approach the level of MRI