Laughing gas could be picked up by a breathalyser

James Webb Space Telescope could search for 'laughing gas' to find alien life

Nitrous Oxide, aka “Laughing gas”, Could be an Indication of Life in an Exoplanet

Discovery of Laughing Gas in Space Could Mean Alien Life

Laughing gas in space could mean life

Small Doses of 'Laughing Gas' Show Promise as Depression Treatment

Laughing gas has shown potential as a treatment for depression

Laughing gas relieves symptoms in people with treatment-resistant depression

Laughing gas may treat depression, small study suggests

Study Finds Low Doses of “Laughing Gas” a Fast, Effective Treatment for Severe Depression

Low doses of "laughing gas" could be fast, effective treatment for severe depression

Laughing gas relieves symptoms in people with treatment-resistant depression

Lower and safer doses of laughing gas relieve treatment-resistant depression in phase 2 trial